
What are biologics?

Biologics are therapeutic agents that isolated from living organism through biotechnology and recombinant DNA methods. Biologics composed of proteins that are identical to the body’s signaling proteins. Biologics target specific parts of the immune system, blocking the activity of a key chemical or cell involved in inflammation to treat rheumatoid diseases. Compared to conventional drugs that are chemically synthesized and their structure is known, most biologics are complex mixtures that are not easily identified or characterized. Administration methods of most biologics are by injection.

  Biologics Agents Chemical synthetic drug
Molecular structure Complicated Simple
Product inspection More difficult Easier
Price More expensive Cheaper
Administration Most are injection Variety of formulation
Immunogenicity Possible Unlikely


Know more about biologic agents

Biologic agents are composed of proteins that are identical to the body’s signaling proteins, which are usually manufactured by biotechnology. Biologic agents target specific parts of the immune system, blocking the activity of a key chemical or cell to reduce inflammation or control disease progression.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, conventional DMARDs are normally used first. When the patient has not improved enough with conventional DMARDs, Biologic agents are considered. When compared with conventional DMARDs, Biologic agents had a faster onset and relatively less side effects. However, they also cost much higher than conventional DMARDs.


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